Crohn's Disease, IBS and Colitis
Making a Case for Social Security Disability Benefits for Crohn’s Disease, IBS and Colitis
Many people don’t realize how debilitating digestive disorders can be. They can affect an individual’s health on many levels. However, qualifying for Social Security disability benefits based on IBS, colitis or Crohn’s disease can be a challenge, but not entirely impossible.
Crohn’s disease, which typically affects individuals between the ages of 15 and 30, can happen at any age. It is defined as a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the digestive tract. While many people who are diagnosed with this disease can live a relatively normal lifestyle, there are some who have severe limitations in their daily lives. Chronic diarrhea and abdominal pain are among the early symptoms that are the most likely to negatively impact your ability to work. You may also have difficulty eating or digesting food. Others frequently report joint pain and fevers. Patients who suffer from this disease may need to be hospitalized or require surgery as it progresses.
Loss of appetite and weight loss over the long term are commonly reported because the body no longer absorbs nutrients as it should. Many patients may be prescribed cortisone, which can have debilitating side effects as well. If changes in diet or prescription medication no longer work, individuals may become unable to work. There is no cure for Crohn’s.
At our law firm, we work hard to build your case by gathering detailed information from your doctors and other medical professionals. While it can be difficult to prove some cases, we do what it takes to exhibit why you may be prevented from holding a full-time job. This process may become more complicated as the disease is exacerbated or remissions occur.
Our experience has proven individuals who suffer from this condition are often hesitant to discuss serious symptoms, such as loss of bowel control or incontinence. Many patients start keeping a personal diary to tell the story better than medical records can alone. However, if you experience any psychological effects, such as depression, it should be documented properly by a medical professional via testing and treatment. This emotional aspect should not be ignored.
We’ve found many of these cases are won when we are able to present detailed testimonies indicating the unpredictable nature of daily activities. For instance, have you missed a lot of work days? Do you need to remain in close proximity to the restroom and take frequent breaks? How much time are you spending away from your work area? For many patients, the unpredictable diarrhea creates severe limitations in a public setting. It’s important to also note the impact pain and fatigue can have on the ability to work full time.
It’s critical to remember a few good days don’t make up for the ability to always be available to do your job properly on a consistent basis. We can help you by answering all your questions with a free consultation. Contact us to schedule your appointment.
Further Resources:
Crohn’s & Colitis – Learn more about these diseases and find a local doctor to help treat you.
Crohn’s Disease – Explore treatment options through the Mayo Clinic, as well as learn about diagnosis and treatment options.
Disability Evaluation Under Social Security – A complete list of ailments of the digestive tract that may qualify for Social Security.